Climate Finance
We provide technical assistance on assessing and advising on how our clients can make the transition and contribution towards a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy. Climate finance is critical and becoming climate-neutral requires large-scale and long-term investments to significantly reduce emissions, notably in sectors that emit large quantities of greenhouse gases. Climate finance is equally important for adaptation to allow societies and economies to adapt to the adverse effects and reduce the impacts of climate change. Investing substantially in climate change mitigation and adaptation is the need of the hour to channel private and public financial resources at international, regional, national and local levels with an overarching ambition that an economic activity has to qualify as environmentally sustainable.
Our experts and advisors have extensive experience in providing services to develop concept, design and structure for climate change projects; and identify local, national or transnational financing windows from public, private and alternative sources. Such mobilization of climate finance also includes reviewing policies, programme priorities, eligibility criteria and financial mechanisms for the delivery of climate change financing as well as creating linkages and promoting the coordination between climate finance related actors and initiatives. Our advisors on water, energy, environment, climate finance and DRR have successfully worked with key multilateral development banks (MDBs), development finance institutions (DFIs) and climate/green funds to unlock investments for mitigation and adaptation projects as well as introducing carbon financing to our clients.